Direct Whole Methylome
Sequencing (gDNA)

A Paradigm Shift in Liquid Biopsy

The methylation industry is transforming, but legacy methods like microarrays and bisulfite sequencing still lack the sensitivity for clinical integration, hindering biomarker discovery and clinical impact. Wasatch BioLabs’ Direct Whole Methylome Sequencing (dWMS) delivers a comprehensive solution, offering whole genome sequencing and methylation analysis with unmatched quality and flexibility.

• Superior CpG Coverage

Analyze greater than 27 million CpG sites, surpassing traditional arrays (~900,000 CpGs)

• Unbiased Data

A complete view of the genomic DNA methylome, constraint free of predefined regions or probes.



Sample Per Flow Cell


Screening and regional analyses.



Methylation quantification and variant detection.



Comprehensive methylome analysis and detailed variant detection.


30-50x +

Genome Assembly

0.5 - 1

Optimized coverage for your study’s needs

Designed to meet the needs of research and biomarker discovery, dWMS delivers scalable multi-omic solutions to advance assay development, epigenetic studies, and beyond.

Poineering Epigenetic Discovery

Traditional methylation technologies leave researchers guessing—are regions uniformly 10% methylated, or is methylation concentrated in just 10% of the region? 

Wasatch BioLabs’ dWMS service resolves this uncertainty. By analyzing over 96% of CpGs across the genome, dWMS captures the full methylation context across entire DNA molecules with native reads, enabling precise, molecule-level analyses. 

Capturing 30X more CpG sites and 2X more CpG islands without bisulfite or amplification biases, researchers gain a comprehensive view of methylation, hydroxymethylation, and DNA sequence—all in a single run.



WBL dMS Sequencing




Additional Base Modifications


Approximate CpG Coverage

Up to 900,000 CpGs
Over 27 Million CpGs

* Requires Additional Processing And Sequencing  

~ Based On Depth And Sequencing Goals

Direct Whole Methylome In Action

dWMS identifies 2.4x more differentially methylated CpG islands (CGIs) than traditional microarrays. gDNA was extracted from Tissue 1 (n=4) and Tissue 2 (n=4) and analyzed with both methylation array and dWMS. dWMS captured 2.4 times more CGIs containing significant differential methylation between the two tissues, including 91% of those detected by the array.

Minimal Batch Effects

WBL’s dWMS demonstrates robust reproducibility with minimal inter-sample variance. DNA samples from Tissue 1 (n=4) and Tissue 2 (n=4) underwent sequencing on two separate PromethION platforms at distinct sites. Correlation analysis (A) and PCA visualization (B) reveal high concordance within both Tissue 1 and Tissue 2 cohorts (r > 0.97), underscoring negligible variation attributable to site-specific batch effects.

The Genomic Advantage of long reads

Leveraging nanopore sequencing, dWMS long reads resolve repetitive regions, structural variants, phasing, and other complex genomic features. This capability enhances genome assemblies, reveals complex regulatory elements, and provides deeper insights into genomic architecture.

Short Reads

ONT Long-Reads

DNA Sequence

Small Nucleotide Variants

Structural Variants
(Deletions, Insertions, Duplications, Inversions, Translocations)

Repetitive Regions

GC-Rich Regons

Biomarker Discovery
Captures up to 96% of CpG methylation sites, enabling exploration of methylation linked to gene expression and disease.
Multinomics Integrations
Acquires genomic and epigenomic data in single runs, streamlining multiomics pipelines for comprehensive analyses.
Targeted Methylome Analysis‍
Provides focused sequencing for analyzing specific methylation regions of interest for precise clinical assay development and actionable insights.

Supports the detection of cancer-associated methylation and genomic variations for biomarker discovery and treatment research.
Clinical Assay Optimization

WBL’s platform is optimized for clinical workflows, ensuring assays are fit for RUO, GCP, and CLIA standards, and ready for reliable integration into clinical environments.
Systems Biology

Integrates genomic and epigenomic data for systems-level research into cellular regulation and tissue interactions.
High-Throughput Clinical Scaling
Scalable solutions for the efficient transition of validated assays into high-throughput clinical applications. Consistency & cost-effectiveness without compromising data quality.
Figure 1. Tedania ignis, commonly known as the fire sponge, is a vibrant marine sponge found across the Atlantic and Caribbean regions. Known for its striking red coloration and bioactive compounds, this species serves as a valuable model for ecological and biomedical research.
Figure 2. Fire sponge genome assembly workflow. Steps include extracting DNA, selecting for high molecular weight (> 5kb) DNA, dWMS library preparation, long-read nanopore sequencing, and genome assembly using Flye.
Figure 3. Complete BUSCO (%) comparison across sponge species and their taxonomic classes. gDNA was extracted from T. ignis tissue using a methanol-based protocol to inhibit nucleases and reduce DNA degradation, then sequenced with dWMS. A BUSCO analysis was performed, comparing genome completeness across sponge species.

Service Highlight

Genome Assembly: Decoding The Fire Sponge

To support genome assembly studies, Wasatch BioLabs offers three scalable solutions that deliver assembled genome DNA sequence and methylation data: moderate-coverage draft genomes for gene discovery, ultra-long-read chromosome-level assemblies for resolving complex regions, and advanced assemblies integrating RNA sequencing for functional insights. These unbiased, high-quality de novo assemblies accommodate any species and genome length, leveraging long reads to resolve complex regions with precision.

Making Direct Methylation Accessible

Wasatch BioLabs introduces MethylSeqR, a user-friendly R package that simplifies the transition from methylation arrays to dWMS. MethylSeqR utilizes proprietary .CH3 files, which compress data by up to 95%, streamlining both analysis and storage.

Seamlessly integrating with familiar pipelines, MethylSeqR makes advanced methylation analysis accessible to both newcomers and experienced users of nanopore sequencing, accelerating research and clinical applications.

MethylSeq Package Highlights

High Speed Performance:

Perform genome-wide methylation analyses in record time.

Simple, Powerful Workflow

Analyses in just three steps: Import Data, Run QC, and Analyze.

Efficient Storage

Compress 20 GB outputs to 1 GB, optimizing storage and transfer.

Optimized Memory

Process large-scale tasks seamlessly with on-disk database support.

(A) Positional Summary

(B) Summaries By Region

Examples of methylation summaries by position (A) and region (B), and methylation visualizations by heatmap (C) and volcano plot (D).

(C) Heat Map

(D) Volcano Plot

Examples of methylation summaries by position (A) & region (B), & methylation visualizations by heatmap (C) & volcano plot (D).

Accessing Familiar Data Views, In Seconds

Methylation summs by position, CpG Island
Differential methylation by region, read, position
Sliding window methylation analysis
Multiple quality control functions

Specialized offerings in our next-generation Biolab

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